Aklot African Drum
A djembe is a type of West African drum that is goblet shaped. It is traditionally carved from a single piece of wood with a skin stretched over the top.The African drum can provide a wide variety of sounds, making it more and more popular among drummer lovers.Thus here, Aklot African drum manufacturer work harder on offering a professional option!

How to produce different tones:the bass tone
The bass tone can be produced by hitting near the center with your palm. As soon as your palm hits the drum, let it bounce off like you are bouncing on a trampoline.

How to produce different tones:the open tone
The open tone is made by striking with your knuckles approximately over the rim

How to produce different tones:the slap
The slap is done with the heel of your palm in the center of the drum head and your fingers slapping near the far rim. As soon as your fingertips hit the drum head they should rebound like the tip of a bullwhip.

Get in the proper position
Keep a good posture, and keep the African drum as steady as possible while playing.
1.You can place your drum under your arm, keeping it in place with your inner elbow.
2.You can also play the djembe sitting down.
Some djembe drum players use a strap that goes over the shoulders, keeping the drum in place between their knees.
High Quality MahoganyWe know that the hardness and density of wood is important factors for the sound and projection of the djembe. So our artisans carved the drum from one single log of mahogany, which makes the tone warm thick and full. |
Genuine GoatskinAklot jembe drum is headed with adult goatskin for fewer overtones in the slaps and ensure it can yield louder. You can easily feel it among various ensembles. |
Static RopeIf the skin is too loose or too tight, the drum won't produce the right sound.You can tune the drum by tightening or loosening the tuning ropes on the side of the drum |
Hand-Carved PatternOn the surface of base section, hand-carved flying elephant theme pattern, a symbol of luck and best wishes for you, adds unique style to your place and let you enjoy the exotic charm. |